Level 256 Training - 5 letter words: < > ?
Level description:
5 letter words.
When words of various sizes, you might naturally start to "chunk" or group letters together in your mind, making typing feel more intuitive and less like a series of individual key presses.
5 Touch typing tips to consider:
- Chair Selection : Choose an ergonomic chair with good lumbar support and adjustable height to ensure comfort and proper alignment.
- Rhythm and Consistency : Develop a steady and consistent rhythm as you type. Avoid pressing the keys too hard or too lightly. Try not to look at the keyboard while typing. Instead, focus on the screen and let your muscle memory guide your fingers to the right keys.
- Proper Lighting : Ensure proper lighting in your workspace to reduce eye strain. Avoid glare on your screen and maintain consistent lighting levels.
- Build Vocabulary : Expanding your vocabulary can indirectly improve your typing speed. Familiarity with words makes it easier to type them without hesitation.
- Monitor Distance : Position your monitor at a comfortable distance, around 20-30 inches away, to avoid eye strain.
Remember that touch typing takes time to master. The more you practice, the more comfortable and accurate you'll become. Stay patient and persistent, and soon you'll be typing with ease and speed!